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Supporting Article

Confucian Comeback

An Interview with Fenggang Yang

Professor Fenggang Yang provides insightful answers to questions about Confucianism. His comments address topics such as the groups of people among whom Confucianism is growing, the influence of New Confucianists from overseas on Chinese society and thought, and concrete signs that Confucianism is growing in China.

Supporting Article

Changing China, Changing Roles, Unchanging Commission

Foreigners in China Today

[…] and educated people, many of them professionals. It would seem, too, that there are more Christians at all levels of society. More Christian literature, blogs, web sites, online training resources, and overseas training options make it possible for believers to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and in their ability to serve, and […]

Blog Entries

Patience Needed

[…] long to establish trust through listening, learning from, and loving our Chinese friends. At the Edinburgh Missionary Conference in 1910, an Indian Christian leader issued a fervent plea for Western Christians not to send teachers or missionaries, but friends. Unless we invest in long-term friendships, we can expect only short-term results. Those who take […]

Blog Entries

Chinese Theology: Text and Context

A Book Review

Most books on Chinese Christianity try to trace its history, focusing on key people, events, and movements. While Chloë Starr does not neglect these, she highlights something that most historians neglect: the theology that arose from different contexts expressed the thought and struggles of influential leaders, and shaped the ways that Christians responded to their situation.


Builders of the Chinese Church

Pioneer Missionaries and Chinese Christians

From 1807 to the 1920s, when a new phase of growth began, thousands of missionaries and Chinese Christians labored to lay the groundwork for a solid, healthy, and self-sustaining Chinese church. Builders of the Chinese Church contains the stories of nine of these leading pioneers.


Reaching Chinese Worldwide

Reaching Chinese Worldwide introduces the many ways in which Christians may communicate the truth and love of God in Christ to Chinese around the world. This nearly comprehensive survey contains both fundamental principles and practical suggestions useful for all those wanting to make a Christian impact on China.


Wise Man from the East

Lit-sen Chang: Critique of Indigenous Theology; Critique of Humanism

Wise Man from the East: Lit-sen Chang, is the gathering together of two of Lit-sen Chang's publications, Critique of Indigenous Theology and Critique of Humanism, published here in English for the first time. These two essays provide excellent examples of his wide learning, insightful analysis, powerful writing, and firm commitment to historic Christianity.


China: Ancient Culture, Modern Society

China: Ancient Culture, Modern Society provides a much-needed starting point for piecing together the many parts of the complex puzzle that is China. This rich volume bridges geography, culture, politics, and beliefs to present a nuanced picture of a nation that is often misunderstood by those seeking to view it through a Western lens.

Blog Entries

I Was Wrong

A Retraction of My Criticism of Chloë Starr’s Chinese Theology

A second look at Chinese Theology, an apology, and a way forward.